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The following inspections are performed by the Gordon County Health Department. 


Grades and action explanations are as follows:

A: Food safety excellence with a numerical score of 90 to 100.

B: Satisfactory compliance with a numerical score of 80 to 89.

C: Marginal compliance with a numerical score of 70 to 79.

U: Unsatisfactory compliance with a numerical score of 69 or less.


CA=Corrective action

PIC=Person in charge

TCS= Time/temperature control for safety

WEEK OF MARCH 17, 2025




Phone Number: (706) 629-4404

Permit Type: Food Service

Permit Number: FSP-064-000008

Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-20-2025


Shuggy Snacks LLC


Last Inspection Score: 95

Last Inspection Date: 03-20-2025



12D - washing fruits and vegetables

511-6-1.04(4)(g) - washing fruits & vegetables (pf)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed whole head of lettuce and whole tomatoes and no preparation sink designated for produce wash. Corrective Action: Facility to discontinue the use of whole vegetables due to no produce sink. Discussed the facility is to only use pre-wash and cut lettuce and tomatoes. A produce preparation sink will need to be installed if whole vegetables will continue to be used.

14C - single-use/single-service articles: properly stored, used

511-6-1.05(10)(e)1&3 - single-service/single-use items stored 6" off floor in clean, dry location (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed bagged to go pizza boxes stored on the floor. Corrective Action: Pizza boxes moved to shelf. Discussed all items to be stored at least 6" off of floor.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior of microwave heavily soiled with dried food debris. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/28.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed shelf plastic liner used to store clean pitchers soiled with food debris, not cleaned to sight and touch. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal inspection on 3/28.

WAFFLE HOUSE (Red Bud) #88


Last Inspection Score: 85

Last Inspection Date: 03-19-2025



4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed stuck-on black buildup in drink dispenser closest to dish area. Buildup was concentrated where the nozzles attach. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed using small brush to scrub buildup and to increase cleaning frequency of that area.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed pans and cooking utensils in chef base drawers under grill soiled with food debris and grease deposits. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior lid of ice machine heavily soiled with brown/black buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean.

6-1B - proper hot holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; hot holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed improper hot holding of TCS food item below 135 degrees at steam well. Two containers of sausage gravy- #1: 89F, #2: 102. Corrective Action: per discussion with CFSM, gravies were within time parameters, so the gravies were reheated to 165F by employee.




Last Inspection Score: 77

Last Inspection Date: 03-19-2025



4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed improper cold holding storage of tcs foods in reach-in cooler. Container of raw chicken stored in shelf directly over container of raw steak. No contamination was observed. Corrective Action: Food items were rearranged according to cooking temperatures, chicken was moved to be stored under steak.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed knife stored as clean with dried food debris. Magnetic knife holder soiled, not cleaned at a frequency to maintain clean to sight and touch. Corrective Action: Knife taken to warewashing area to be properly cleaned. Employee assigned to clean magnetic knife holder.

6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed improper cold holding of TCS food items in reach-in cooler above 41 degrees without active time control. White sauce 44-45F, cut green onions 50F, and cut lettuce 45F. Corrective Action: Per CFSM items were within 4 hour time parameters and placed in walk-in freezer to aid in rapid cooling.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed air return cover soiled with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/28.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed hood vent filters with heavy grease accumulation. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/28.





Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025




Last Inspection Score: 90

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025



6-1B - proper hot holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; hot holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed pan of fried chicken in warmer cabinet under 135F without the use of time control. Observed pans of fried chicken reading 104-114F. Corrective Action: per discussion with CFSM, the food item was within time parameters. Fried chicken was reheated to between 174-188F.

6-1B - proper hot holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; hot holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed pan of chicken and rice casserole individual portions under 135F without the use of time control. Observed pan of chicken and rice casserole reading between 108-112F. Corrective Action: per discussion with CFSM the food items were within time parameters. CFSM also mentioned the chicken was stored in the proofer before being placed in the warmer cabinet due to space issues. Chicken and rice casserole was reheated to 176F.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed heavy dust accumulation on employee restroom vent cover. Corrective Action: CFSM notified me that she has already put in a maintenance request to clean the vent cover. Will perform informal follow-up by 3/27/25.





Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025




Last Inspection Score: 90

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025



1-2B - certified food protection manager

511-6-1.03(3)(a) - food safety manager certification (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed no certified food safety manager for establishment. Corrective Action: facility must have CFSM by May 20, 2025.

6-2 - proper date marking and disposition

511-6-1.04(6)(g) - ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, date marking (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed open gallon of milk stored in reach-in cooler greater than 24 hours without date mark of when milk was opened. Corrective Action: PIC discarded milk. Discussed date marking food items once opened.




Last Inspection Score: 96

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025



4-2A - food stored covered

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(iv) - packaged & unpackaged food, food stored covered(c)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed tubs of marinara and tomato sauce with a prep date of 3/16/25 not covered in walk-in cooler. Corrective Action: no signs of contamination; employee covered containers with plastic wrap. Discussed covering containers in all coolers/freezers once cooled.




Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025




Last Inspection Score: 97

Last Inspection Date: 03-18-2025



18 - insects, rodents, and animals not present

511-6-1.07(2)(m) - outer openings protected (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed mesh screen at smoker area not preventing the entrance of flying insects. Opening at the top portion of the screen and the mobile unit. Corrective Action: CFSM will have screen re-attached to mobile unit to ensure smoker area is protected.



427 HWY 53 E CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 95

Last Inspection Date: 03-17-2025



4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior of ice machine soiled with rust from metal screws. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. CFSM instructed to empty ice machine and not use ice from ice machine until the interior of ice machine has been properly cleaned to sight and touch. Discussed replacing metal screws with plastic screws.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed metal cambros stored as clean with tape on food contact surface of containers. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to properly clean containers.

15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used

511-6-1.05(1)(a) - materials, general requirements (p, c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed plastic containers used to store dough with holes on food contact surface no longer of a smooth surface. Corrective Action: CFSM discarded broken containers that are no longer of a smooth and cleanable surface.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed ice machine lid soiled, not cleaned at a frequency to maintain clean to sight and touch. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/20.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed food debris on shelf used to store to-go containers. Corrective Actions: Employee assigned to clean shelf. Shelf was cleaned to sight and touch.



WEEK OF MARCH 10, 2025




Phone Number: (706) 602-6613

Permit Type: Food Service

Permit Number: FSP-064-000324

Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-13-2025


490 LLC dba Ihop 490

742 HWY 53 SE CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 82

Last Inspection Date: 03-13-2025



6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed TCS foods not cold held at 41 degrees or below. Observed sliced tomatoes (48F) and cut lettuce (54F) stored in prep top behind grill not stored at 41 or below. Ambient temperature of left side of prep top was 56F. Corrective Action: tomatoes were within time parameters and were taken to freezer to rapidly cool to 34F before placement back into prep top. Cut lettuce was not within time parameters and PIC discarded lettuce. Discussed having maintenance look into cooling issue with left side of prep top cooler.

6-2 - proper date marking and disposition

511-6-1.04(6)(h) - ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, disposition (p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed shredded cheese stored in reach-in cooler behind grill with a use-by date of 3/11 (inspection 3/13/25). Corrective Action: PIC discarded shredded cheese.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed ceiling tile in storage room near employee bathroom with heavy black accumulations. Corrective Action: maintenance to replace tile by 3/27/25. Will perform informal follow-up on 03/27/25 to verify ceiling tile is replaced.

18 - insects, rodents, and animals not present

511-6-1.07(5)(l) - removing dead or trapped birds, insects, rodents, and other pest (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed dead roaches and other insects in back food storage room behind shelving. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean.

18 - insects, rodents, and animals not present

511-6-1.07(2)(m) - outer openings protected (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed light coming through bottom right corner of back door. Corrective Action: maintenance to seal gap in door.

18 - insects, rodents, and animals not present

511-6-1.07(5)(l) - removing dead or trapped birds, insects, rodents, and other pest (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed live roach along back wall in dish area. Corrective Action: pest control to come out next Wednesday (3/19) for weekly pest control application.




Last Inspection Score: 96

Last Inspection Date: 03-12-2025



12A - contamination prevented during food preparation, storage, display

511-6-1.04(4)(i) - storage or display of food in contact with water or ice (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed raw fish fillets stored in contact with water. Corrective Action: Water was drained from container where fish was stored. Discussed with CFSM that unpackaged food may not be stored in direct contact with undrained ice.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed walk-in cooler plastic fan cover soiled with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean.




Last Inspection Score: 50

Last Inspection Date: 03-11-2025



1-2A - pic present, demonstrates knowledge, performs duties

511-6-1.03(1)(a)-(c)1,4,5,6-14,15, 16 - demonstration of knowledge (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Person in charge not maintaining active managerial control over safe food handling practices such as proper food storage, hand washing procedures, cold holding, sanitizer concentrations, and food stored covered. Corrective Action: CFSM and employees were provided with handouts on basic food safety. Employees must be trained and/or retrained. This will be re-evaluated on follow-up inspection.

2-1B - hands clean and properly washed

511-6-1.03(5)(c) - when to wash (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed employee leave restroom, enter the kitchen and handle egg roll package without washing hands. Corrective Action: Employee instructed to wash hands. Discussed employees leaving the restroom shall wash their hands again upon re-entering the food preparation area.

4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed raw pork stored on shelving directly over sauces. Observed raw chicken stored on shelving directly over sauces. Corrective Action: employee rearranged food items according to cook temperatures. Sauces stored together in one shelf with ready to eat foods, raw pork moved to different shelf and is stored over raw chicken.

4-2A - food stored covered

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(iv) - packaged & unpackaged food, food stored covered(c)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed containers of frozen meat stored uncovered in freezer. Corrective Action: containers were covered with saran wrap.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(6)(n) - manual and mechanical warewashing equipment, chemical sanitization-temperature, ph, concentration, hardness (p,pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observe cooking equipment being sanitized in sanitizing compartment of 3 compartment sink with chlorine concentration below manufacturers recommendations. Chlorine below 50 ppm. Corrective Action: Sanitizer concentration adjusted to 50 ppm chlorine.

6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed cut green onions stored on counter next to cook line with temperature of 70F. Observed cut lettuce stored on prep table with temperature of 49F. Per discussion with PIC food items were within time parameters. Corrective Action: Food items were taken to walk-in cooler to rapidly cool.

8-2B - toxic substances properly identified, stored, used

511-6-1.07(6)(g) - chemical sanitizers, criteria (p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed sanitizer bucket greater than manufacturers recommendations, greater than 200 PPM chlorine. Corrective action: PIC adjusted the sanitizer bucket to 100 PPM chlorine sanitizer.

10D - food properly labeled; original container

511-6-1.04(4)(d) - food storage containers identified with common name of food (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple working containers of food removed from original containers (salt, sugar, flour) not identified with common name of food. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to label working containers with common name of food.

12C - wiping cloths: properly used and stored

511-6-1.04(4)(m) - wiping cloths, use limitation (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple wet towels stored on prep surfaces and on counters not in sanitizer bucket. Corrective Action: PIC placed all wet towels in sanitizer bucket. All sanitizer towels when not in use are to be stored in sanitizer buckets.

12C - wiping cloths: properly used and stored

511-6-1.04(4)(m) - wiping cloths, use limitation (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple wet towels stored on prep surfaces and on counters not in sanitizer bucket. Corrective Action: PIC placed all wet towels in sanitizer bucket. All sanitizer towels when not in use are to be stored in sanitizer buckets.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed reach-in cooler handles soiled. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Discussed increasing cleaning frequency of equipment and cooler handles.

17D - adequate ventilation and lighting; designated areas used

511-6-1.07(4)(b) - designated areas for employee activity, located to prevent contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, & single service articles (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple employee food items not stored separately in walk-in cooler and throughout the kitchen. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to placed personal food containers in labelled designated areas in cooler and on dry storage shelving.




Last Inspection Score: 87

Last Inspection Date: 03-11-2025



4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed raw shelled eggs stored on shelf directly over pasteurized liquid egg cartons. Corrective Action: No contamination was observed, raw shelled eggs were moved shelf under pasteurized eggs.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(6)(l) - mechanical warewashing, hot water sanitization temperatures(p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed hot water sanitization for mechanical dishwashing machine not reaching minimum temperature of 180F during final rinse. Corrective Action: Work order placed. 3 compartment sink is to be used to properly wash, rinse and sanitize dishes until mechanical dishmachine has been verified to reach 180F during final rinse.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed can opener blade, muffin pans, mini loaf pan and food storage container stored as clean with food debris on food contact surface. Corrective Action: All items were taken to warewashing station to be properly washed, rinsed and sanitized. Discussed ensuring food contact surfaces are cleaned to sight and touch prior to storing items as clean.




Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-07-2025 



652 HWY 53 EAST SE CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 91

Last Inspection Date: 03-07-2025



4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed ice bin at drive-thru and cashier station soiled with black crusted-on debris. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/11/25.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed drink nozzles and diffusers at drive-thru station heavily soiled with black buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed proper cleaning and sanitizing procedures for drink nozzles.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed ice scoop holder for ice machine heavily soiled with dust buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed increasing cleaning frequency of ice scoop holder.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior of ice machine lid with brown buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed increasing cleaning frequency of interior lid.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed front cashier station with dust accumulation. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed walk-in cooler fan covers with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/18/25.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed heavy dust accumulation on ceiling tiles and air vents throughout kitchen and near mop sink. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/18/25.

17C - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean

511-6-1.07(5)(a),(b) - good repair, physical facilities maintained; cleaning, frequency & restrictions, cleaned often enough to keep them clean (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple broken/missing floor tiles throughout kitchen. Water ponding in areas where floor tiles are damaged. Floors need to be regrouted to prevent water and food debris from collecting between tiles. Corrective Action: work order placed for tiles and grout. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/31/25 to verify tiles and grouting have been redone.







Last Inspection Score: 88

Last Inspection Date: 03-06-2025



4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed container of raw chicken in walk-in cooler stored on shelf over raw pork and raw fish. Observed raw squid stored on shelf over carrots and onions. Corrective Action: No direct contamination was observed, arranged food items according to cook temperatures.

11A - proper cooling methods used: adequate equipment for temperature control

511-6-1.04(6)(e) - cooling methods (pf, c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed cooling methods used/observed not adequate in rapidly cooling cut green onions in prep-top cooler. Observed cooked potatoes, cucumber salad, cooked bok choy (side dishes) cooling in reach-in cooler on trays stacked ontop of one another. Observed cut green onions cooling at room temperature. Corrective Action: Food items were placed in ice baths and loosely covered to allow for rapid cooling.




Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 03-06-2025




Last Inspection Score: 73

Last Inspection Date: 03-06-2025



4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed raw chicken stored above raw veal in prep top cooler. Corrective Action: no possible contamination detected. Chicken container moved to lower shelf. Discussed proper storage order of animal foods.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior of ice machine heavily soiled with black slime buildup. Observed interior of ice bin soiled with brown buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean both ice machine and ice bin by 3/10/25 and focus on upper crevices and metal baffle of machine. Will perform informal follow-up on 03/10 to verify cleanliness.

6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple TCS food items above 41F. Observed raw chicken in prep top measuring 46-47 degrees. Per discussion with PIC, chicken was out of time parameters. PIC threw chicken away.

6-1A - proper cold holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; cold holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple TCS food items in reach-in cooler by pizza prep area above 41F. Observed container of ricotta cheese measuring 49-50 degrees. Observed container of sliced ham measuring 45-46 degrees. Corrective Action: Per discussion with PIC, ricotta was out of time parameters; PIC threw ricotta away. Per discussion with PIC, ham was within time parameters and was placed in walk-in cooler to cool to 41F or below.

12C - wiping cloths: properly used and stored

511-6-1.04(4)(m) - wiping cloths, use limitation (c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed wiping cloths used to wipe food prep surfaces not stored in sanitizer between uses. Corrective Action: sanitizer buckets made to store wiping cloths. Discussed storing cloths submerged in sanitizer solution between uses.

14A - in-use utensils: properly stored

511-6-1.04(4)(k) - in-use utensils, between-use storage (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed scoops in sugar and flour bins stored with handles touching food items. Corrective Action: handles moved above surface of food items. Discussed storing scoops with the handles up and above the food.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed restroom fan covers with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 03/13/25 to verify cleanliness.



427 HWY 53 E CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 49

Last Inspection Date: 03-05-2025



1-2A - pic present, demonstrates knowledge, performs duties

511-6-1.03(1)(a)-(c)1,4,5,6-14,15, 16 - demonstration of knowledge (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple risk factors out of compliance during inspection (storge order, reheating foods properly, food contact surfaces clean, hot holding and date marking). Corrective Action: All risk factors were corrected on-site. Follow-up inspection will be performed within 7 days.

2-2D - adequate handwashing facilities supplied & accessible

511-6-1.06(2)(o) - using a handwashing sink- operation & maintenance (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed handwashing sink in kitchen not easily accessible, blocked by large trashcan. Corrective Action: Trash can was removed, making the handwashing sink accessible.

4-1A - food separated and protected

511-6-1.04(4)(c)1(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(viii) - packaged & unpackaged food separation, packaging, and segregation (p, c)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed containers with raw chicken stored on shelving directly above cooked gyro meat and raw steak in reach-in cooler. Corrective Action: No contamination was observed, foods arranged according to cook temperature. Raw chicken moved to bottom shelf and stored under cooked gyro meat and raw steak.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed ice scoop holder soiled with dead bug and white/brown dried-up material. Corrective Action: Items were taken to warewashing area to be properly cleaned to sight and touch.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed can opener blade soiled with dried food debris. Corrective Action: Can opener was taken to wareawashing area to be properly cleaned to sight and touch.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed plastic container used to store clean cooking utensils soiled with dried food debris, not cleaned at a frequency to maintain food contact surface clean to sight and touch. Corrective Action: Container and utensils were taken to warewashing area to be properly cleaned to sight and touch.

5-1B - proper reheating procedures for hot holding

511-6-1.04(5)(h) - reheating for hot holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed improper reheating of TCS food items in microwave. Meat Lasagna 135F and 140F. Corrective Action: Meat lasagna was reheated in microwave to 166F.

6-1B - proper hot holding temperatures

511-6-1.04(6)(f) - time/temperature control for safety; hot holding (p)

Points: 9

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed improper hot holding of TCS food items below 135 degrees in steam well. Meat sauce 125F and Marinara sauce 121F. CA: Food items were rapidly reheated on stove top. Meat sauce reheated to 187F and marinara sauce reheated to 166F.

6-2 - proper date marking and disposition

511-6-1.04(6)(h) - ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, disposition (p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed container of sliced tomatoes in preptop cooler stored past 7 days. Sliced tomatoes preparation date of 2/25 and inspection performed on 3/5. Corrective Action: PIC discarded tomatoes.

6-2 - proper date marking and disposition

511-6-1.04(6)(h) - ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, disposition (p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed container of sliced ham in walk-in cooler stored past 7 days. Sliced ham with preparation date of 2/17 and inspection performed on 3/5. Corrective Action: PIC discarded ham.

8-2B - toxic substances properly identified, stored, used

511-6-1.07(6)(b) - working containers, common name (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed chemical spray bottle not labeled with chemical/solution common name. Corrective Action: Spray bottle removed from use and to be labeled with chemical common name.

8-2B - toxic substances properly identified, stored, used

511-6-1.07(6)(c) - storage, separation (p)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed windex spray bottle stored touching single-service paper plates and plate food contact surface was soiled with windex. Corrective Action: PIC discarded paper plates, arranged windex bottle and single service plates to be separated and not touching.

14C - single-use/single-service articles: properly stored, used

511-6-1.05(6)(r) - single-service/single-use articles, use limitations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed single service container being re-used to scoop powder sugar and dried seasonings. Corrective Action: Single service scoops were discarded after being used once. Single-service and single-use articles may not be reused.

15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used

511-6-1.05(1)(i) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed multiple plastic containers used to store dough with holes on food contact surface, metal cambro pans with tape to cover damaged area, plastic food container covers broken and heavily scorched no longer of a smooth surface. Corrective Action: PIC discarded broken containers that are no longer of a smooth and cleanable surface.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed dust accumulation on air vents throughout the kitchen and dinning area. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal inspection on 3/21.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed dust accumulation on walk-in cooler fan cover. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal inspection on 3/21.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(d) - nonfood-contact surfaces (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior of reach-in cooler and shelving soiled with spilled food and food debris. Corrective Action: Employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/21.



463 HWY 53 E CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 78

Last Inspection Date: 03-05-2025



2-2B - proper eating, tasting, drinking, or tobacco use

511-6-1.03(5)(k)1&2 - eating, drinking, or using tobacco (c)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed two employee drinks on food prep surfaces. One employee drink had no straw and was sitting directly by food. The other employee drink was on a food prep surface in front drive-thru area. Corrective Action: employee drinks were moved to lower shelf and lid was placed on cup.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed ice scoop sitting in a soiled container stored with plastic bags. Corrective Action: bags removed from container and container washed in dish area. Ice scoop placed on clean surface.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior lid and interior of ice machine soiled with buildup. Corrective Action: employee to clean ice machine lid tonight and ice machine interior by 3/10/25. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/10/25 to verify.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed can opener blade soiled and corroded. Corrective Action: management to order new blade. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify its replacement.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed drink nozzles at drive-thru area soiled with brown and black buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed scrubbing nozzles, washing with soap and water, and then sanitizing. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/10/25 to verify.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed cooking utensils stored as clean on dish rack heavily soiled with grease, food debris, and stuck-on residue. Utensils were also stored in a container that was heavily soiled. Corrective Action: employee to clean all utensils and container.

6-2 - proper date marking and disposition

511-6-1.04(6)(g) - ready-to-eat time/temperature control for safety food, date marking (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed several TCS foods in reach-in cooler in main kitchen opened with no date marking, including shredded lettuce (bagged and open), sliced American cheese, and tartar sauce. Per discussion with CFSM, the date the items were opened is unknown. Corrective Action: CFSM discarded food. Discussed date marking food items and packages of food once opened.

10D - food properly labeled; original container

511-6-1.04(7)(c) - food labels (pf, c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed working containers of salt and seasoning not labeled with food common name. Corrective Action: CFSM wrote common name on containers of seasonings.

15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used

511-6-1.05(6)(a) - good repair & proper adjustment (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed heavily damaged and torn gaskets on both walk-in freezer and walk-in cooler. Corrective Action: gaskets/door to be replaced by 4/30/25. Will perform informal follow-up on 04/30/25 to verify replacement.

15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used

511-6-1.05(6)(a) - good repair & proper adjustment (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed door of reach-in cooler by kitchen door come off of hinges and did not completely close. Corrective Action: maintenance to fix. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify it is fixed.

15A - food and nonfood-contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed, and used

511-6-1.05(6)(a) - good repair & proper adjustment (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed drink machine in dine-in area not operational and soiled. Corrective Action: management placed work order. Will perform informal follow-up on 03/31/25 to verify it is fixed or has been replaced.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed shelving/racks and the bottom surfaces in reach-in coolers and freezers soiled with food debris and oil buildup. Observed dead fly and standing water in reach-in cooler where raw chicken is stored. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/10/25 to verify cleanliness.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed flooring underneath fryers heavily soiled with inches of grease buildup and food debris. Corrective Action: employees to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify cleanliness.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed cabinets under dine-in area drink machine heavily soiled with syrup residue and food debris. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify cleanliness.

17C - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean

511-6-1.07(5)(a),(b) - good repair, physical facilities maintained; cleaning, frequency & restrictions, cleaned often enough to keep them clean (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed trash, tile debris, and broken component of mop sink in mop sink. Corrective Action: employee to clean mop sink area. Work order placed to fix broken component. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify cleanliness.

17C - physical facilities installed, maintained, and clean

511-6-1.07(2)(a) - floor, walls, & ceilings, cleanability (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed broken or missing tiles throughout kitchen. Grout throughout the facility needs to be redone to prevent water ponding, food debris accumulation, and to allow for ease of cleaning. Corrective Action: CFSM to place work order to redo flooring and grout. Will perform informal follow-up on 4/30/25 to verify floors have been redone.

18 - insects, rodents, and animals not present

511-6-1.07(5)(k) - controlling pests (pf, c)

Points: 3

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed flies throughout kitchen. Observed gnats and live spider under dine-in area drink machine. Corrective Action: Ecolab to come out to remove pests. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25 to verify pests are removed.




Last Inspection Score: 98

Last Inspection Date: 03-05-2025



16B - plumbing installed; proper backflow devices

511-6-1.06(2)(r) - system maintained in good repair (p, c)

Points: 2

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed handwashing sink air gap, vegetable sink air gap, and floor drain with buildup, causing bad odor in dish area. Corrective Action: work order placed. Employees assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/19/25.




Last Inspection Score: 93

Last Inspection Date: 03-03-2025



4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: Yes

Inspector Notes: Observed can opener blade soiled with crusted-on food debris. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Discussed thoroughness in cleaning, and increasing cleaning of blade to after each use. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/6/25 to verify cleanliness of can opener blade.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed walk-in cooler fan covers and shelving with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/10/25 to verify cleanliness.




Last Inspection Score: 100

Last Inspection Date: 02-28-2025



1008 HIGHWAY 53 SE CALHOUN, GA 30701

Last Inspection Score: 95

Last Inspection Date: 02-28-2025



4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: Yes

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed metal containers stored as clean, soiled with food debris. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean at dish area.

4-2B - food-contact surfaces: cleaned & sanitized

511-6-1.05(7)(a)1 - equipment, food-contact surfaces,& utensils (pf)

Points: 4

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed interior lid of ice machine and interior of ice machine, itself, soiled with pink and black buildup. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/12/25.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed heavy dust accumulation on ceiling vent behind dish area near floor squeegees. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/12/25.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed dust accumulation on air vents and ceiling tiles throughout kitchen. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/12/25.

15C - nonfood-contact surfaces clean

511-6-1.05(7)(a)2,3 - equipment, food/nonfood-contact surfaces, and utensils, food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment & nonfood-contact surfaces free of accumulations (c)

Points: 1

Corrected during inspection?: No

Repeat: No

Inspector Notes: Observed walk-in cooler fan covers with heavy dust accumulation. Corrective Action: employee assigned to clean. Will perform informal follow-up on 3/12/25.

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